Management Benefits
- Enhance Paperless work
- Refine Monitoring
- Absolute Predictions
- Increase Proactivness
- Ease to staff /Labour Performance
- Live watch on company and its operation
Commercial Benefits
- 100% KPI's achievable
- Reduce Supervision cost by 80%
- Proactive maintanance reduced cost by 60%
- Reduce Eletrical / Operational cost by 30%
Enviromental Benefits
Provide data for
- Carbon Emission
- Carbon Footprint
- Carbon Credit
Transformation within territory
Operational Benifits
- 50% increase in overall equipment efficiency
- 20% increase in production of operation
- Reduce pilferage rate - Man Machine Material Wastage- by 30%
Future Benifits
- Continouse increase in production
- Decarbonize the operation
- store and manage carbon credits